Technical and Electronic Engineering
Automobile Engineering
A career as an automobile engineer is for people who are driven and passionate about cars. They must have considerable understanding and interest in mechanics, electronics, and mathematics this vital skills required for career path. Automobile engineers must organized individuals who are able to work in methodical manner.
People in career are required to communicate with other professionals on regular basis, both from within field and outside it. While automobile engineers must innovative, eager workers, they must not get carried away.
Our students are trained to be successful automobile engineers, catering to the expectations of recruiters.

Two & Four Wheeler Mechanic
This course caters to train the students to design, develop, manufacture, and repair of automobiles. The demand for automobile engineering is growing with the expansion of automobile industries and increasing demand for vehicle. With increasing concern for pollution and fuel efficiency, these engineers also set standard of qualities, for example making the vehicle Euro efficient.
The field of activity of a qualified engineer in automobile engineering contains development (construction, calculation and testing), priming of work, fabrication and observation of the functionality of vehicles for street and rails.

CNC Programming & Machine Operator
CNC Machine Operators require skills in operating a CNC machine but are not machinists. Through industry task analysis as well as strong involvement with our development partner, a large global manufacturer, CNC Machine Operator Program brings a highly focused, streamlined set of skills to CNC Machine Operator training. Many training programs for CNC Machine Operators use training really designed for machinists, which incorporates a lot of theory not relevant to the role of CNC Machine Operator. For example, a CNC machine operator needs to know how to run a CNC program – not how to design one. It covers all the skills operators’ need, from operating the CNC machine to set-up of tooling and fixtures to quality inspection. It enables our students in
- Performing part measurement and gauging
- Interfacing with a CNC
- Making tooling decisions
- Responding to machine malfunctions
- Setting-up and operating CNC machine